"Combattre" dans les épopées latines (-IIIe s.- +Ier s.). Étude sémantique - CY Cergy Paris Université
Books Year : 2020

A Study of the Latin Verbs Meaning “Fight” in Epic Poetry from Ennius to the Flavian Poets (IIIrd b. C. – Ist a. D.). A Semantic, Morphological and Syntactic Approach

"Combattre" dans les épopées latines (-IIIe s.- +Ier s.). Étude sémantique

Tatiana Taous


This study of Latin verbs meaning “to fight” in epic poetry shows that the evolution of linguistic signs and lexical units reflects extralinguistic phenomena. It is a semantic study which, by combining several approaches, sheds new light, both linguistic and anthropological, on the verbs meaning “to fight” in Latin epic poetry. The preliminary chapter (after the introduction) presents the selected verbs belonging to the corpus. In the first and second sections of the work, the contrast is drawn between a fundamentally semantic approach to the verbs and a more morphological and syntactical approach. The first section analyses the verbs’ synchronic radicals, their tenses, their personal morphemes, and their preverbs, in order to show their semantic specificities in the context of the three morphological types in which they may be found: simple verbs, verbal phrases and preverbed verbs. In a semantic-syntactic approach, the second section deals with the participant roles and syntactic environments and creates new intersections between lexemes. These links shed light on the oppositions that exist between the individual lexemes and determine the – literary or anthropological – motivations in the use of the selected verbs. The conclusion makes two important points. Firstly, we see that the continuation or the renewal of linguistic signs and lexical units denoting the process of fighting also depend on cultural and anthropological factors. Secondly, it is made clear that the epic literary genre in Latin is not frozen throughout the historical periods studied here, since it is continually evolving and adapting to the changes and ideologies of the times.
Cet ouvrage sur les verbes latins signifiant « combattre » dans la poésie épique vient combler un manque dans les études lexicales portant sur le domaine épique. À partir de cette catégorie sémantique de verbes, ce livre offre un nouvel éclairage linguistique, anthropologique et, in fine, littéraire. Il s'organise autour d'une approche sémantique fondamentale, à laquelle sont articulées des perspectives morphologique, syntaxique, discursive et pragmatique.
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hal-03133119 , version 1 (05-02-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03133119 , version 1


Tatiana Taous. "Combattre" dans les épopées latines (-IIIe s.- +Ier s.). Étude sémantique. L'Harmattan, 2020, Kubaba, 978-2-343-20023-1. ⟨hal-03133119⟩
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